Acupuncture may be just the treatment you need to overcome anxiety. The team of licensed and board-certified acupuncturists at Madison’s Family Wellness will develop a treatment plan that helps relieve your anxiety and restore your hormone balance. This team of talented practitioners welcomes individuals throughout Dane County to experience life without the debilitating effects of anxiety. Schedule a visit today.
Research has shown that acupuncture can relieve anxiety, even in individuals who have not responded to traditional treatments with psychotherapy and medication. It’s not clear exactly how acupuncture relieves anxiety, but it’s felt it may impact the way your body triggers the “fight or flight” response that occurs during anxiety or panic attacks.
Other health benefits of acupuncture that may also help relieve anxiety include:
Acupuncture is a safe and natural treatment that addresses the root cause of your anxiety and not just the symptoms. You may experience relief from your anxiety with acupuncture alone or in combination with other therapies.
The number of treatments you require depends on the severity of your symptoms and often varies from individual to individual. Your Madison Family Wellness practitioner may suggest you start with one or two sessions a week and then spread the treatments out as your symptoms improve. The treatment plan is always discussed in detail before you begin therapy.
To learn more about acupuncture treatment for anxiety, schedule a visit today at Madison’s Family Wellness. Call the office in Madison, WI, or book your appointment online.